Reshuffle of the ministers, horrific
breaking news is that the following ministers have been removed from the cabinet
by our president Jacob Zuma; Pravin
Gordhen, Blade Nzimande, Ebraham Patel, David , Mahlobo, Aaron Motsoeledi and
Rob Davies.
the new appointed minister, who is Malusi Gigaba the new finance minister, it
is not fair enough because there are a lot of people who can be fit to this
position and so many people are qualified for this position. Malusi Gigaba
earned his bachelor’s degree in education from the University of KwaZulu –Natal
in 1991. So he is not fit for this position.
picture by The citizens
Pravin Gordhen was just unfair, it would be better if there were more good
reasons to that. Even the ANC members are not happy with the decision take, and so as the local citizens.

This picturre is too relevent, and it shows that Pravin Gordhen is not happy.
picture by Stuff Writer
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